1 | # site name used in various places across the instance
2 | site_name = "🌄 Ayllu"
3 |
4 | # A valid URI that identifies this server on the global internet
5 | origin = "localhost:8080"
6 |
7 | # sysadmin contact address
8 | sysadmin = "admin@ayllu-forge.org"
9 |
10 | # number of background threads to drive asynchronous tasks forward with in the
11 | # web server and any other component that is multithreaded. Note that all
12 | # plugin components are currently single threaded. If unspecified this will
13 | # default to the number of CPU cores on your system.
14 | # worker_threads = 8
15 | # number of additional blocking threads that may be spawned by the tokio
16 | # runtime. See https://docs.rs/tokio/latest/tokio/runtime/struct.Builder.html#method.max_blocking_threads
17 | # max_blocking_threads = 512
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 | # logging level
22 | log_level = "debug"
23 |
24 | # enable when ayllu is being served from a "subpath". Clicking the home
25 | # button will send the user back to /browse instead of /. This is useful if you
26 | # have a landing page at the root of your webserver path.
27 | subpath_mode = false
28 |
29 | # friendly message to display on the about page of the main site which might
30 | # include details such as contact information, etc. markdown is supported.
31 | blurb = """
32 | # Welcome to Ayllu!
33 | """
34 |
35 | # The default branch name to use when rendering repositories. If unspecified
36 | # the ref that HEAD is currently pointed at will be used.
37 | # default_branch = "main"
38 |
39 | # The number of threads to spawn by Tokio, typically this will be the number
40 | # of logical processors (cores) you have on your system
41 | # worker_threads = 8
42 |
43 | # The number of additional threads that can be launched to support synchronous
44 | # blocking operations.
45 | # max_blocking_threads = 512
46 |
47 | # The number of suggested seconds to wait before polling the server again
48 | # across RSS feeds. The default of 1 hour is a reasonable default in most
49 | # cases.
50 | rss_time_to_live = 3600
51 |
52 | # Git HTTP server options
53 |
54 | [git]
55 | # Global option to enable the Git "Smart HTTP" server which will serve
56 | # non-hidden repositories for cloning over HTTP. The default is true but if
57 | # set to false it will globally disable all cloning which you might want to do
58 | # if you want to run your own fcgi server e.g.
59 | smart_http = true
60 | # URL to suggest for cloning via SSH, if unspecified git cloning option will
61 | # not appear in the repository page.
62 | clone_url = "git@localhost"
63 |
64 | # this toggles the GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL option for git-http-backend which will
65 | # allow cloning of all repositories unless they are marked as private. If this
66 | # option is not toggled then the file git-daemon-export-ok exist in the repository
67 | # for cloing to be permitted.
68 | export_all = false
69 |
70 | # Job server configuration
71 |
72 | [jobs]
73 |
74 | # socket for the job server to listen to new requests on. This is typically
75 | # used to communicate via git hooks to perform new computation on a repository
76 | # after it has been updated.
77 | # jobs_socket_path = "/var/run/user/1000/ayllu-jobs.sock"
78 |
79 | # Maximum time to allow a job to run before killing it in seconds.
80 | # This value needs to be high for large repositories since we have to run a
81 | # job for every commit in the repository.
82 | timeout = 1800
83 |
84 | # List of authors associated with this site
85 | [[authors]]
86 | # E-mail address of the author
87 | email = "example@example.org"
88 | # Optional "tagline" associated with the author
89 | tagline = "Programmer interested free software"
90 | # Optional link to an avatar containing an image representing the author
91 | avatar = { url = "https://example.org/avatar.png", mime_type = "image/png" }
92 | # Array of personal websites, social media, etc. associated with the author
93 | profiles = [
94 | { url = "https://example.com", mime_type = "text/html"},
95 | { url = "https://example.org/@example", mime_type = "text/html"},
96 | ]
97 |
98 | [http]
99 | # interface and port to listen on
100 | address = ""
101 |
102 | [web]
103 | # default theme that will be used when none is specified in user configuration.
104 | # additionally the default theme will be used to load assets that are not
105 | # overriden in the actively selected theme.
106 | # default_theme = "default"
107 | # [[web.themes]]
108 | # unique name to identify the theme in the web UI
109 | # name = "my-theme"
110 | # path to the directory containing the theme assets
111 | # path = "/usr/lib/ayllu/themes/my-theme"
112 |
113 | # static hosting
114 | # see an example Nginx configuration in contrib/nginx/nginx.conf
115 | [sites]
116 | # set false if you want to disallow all static hosting
117 | enabled = true
118 |
119 | # SQLite configuration
120 | [database]
121 | # path to a SQLite database.
122 | # Defaults to ~/.local/share/ayllu/state.db
123 | # path = "db/state.db"
124 | # if migrations should be automatically applied
125 | migrate = true
126 |
127 | # tree-sitter backed syntax highlighting
128 | [tree-sitter]
129 | # path to load shared objects from
130 | # base_path = "/usr/lib"
131 | # alternative path to queries
132 | # queries_path = "/usr/share/tree-sitter/queries"
133 | # additional queries
134 | # queries_extras_path = "/etc/ayllu/queries"
135 |
136 | # tree-sitter highlighting keywords, these are attributes that will be
137 | # exposed as CSS classes which can be used to create themes.
138 | keywords = [
139 | "attribute",
140 | "comment",
141 | "constant",
142 | "function.builtin",
143 | "function",
144 | "keyword",
145 | "operator",
146 | "property",
147 | "punctuation",
148 | "punctuation.bracket",
149 | "punctuation.delimiter",
150 | "string",
151 | "string.special",
152 | "tag",
153 | "type",
154 | "type.builtin",
155 | "variable",
156 | "variable.builtin",
157 | "variable.parameter",
158 | ]
159 |
160 | # override system highlights with your own configuration as needed
161 | [tree-sitter.highlights]
162 |
163 | # this results in two new CSS classes ts_addition and ts_removal which can
164 | # be configured in theme stylesheets.
165 | diff = """
166 | ; used to highlight diffs in the UI
167 | [(addition) (new_file)] @addition
168 | [(deletion) (old_file)] @removal
169 |
170 | (commit) @constant
171 | (location) @attribute
172 | (command) @variable.builtin
173 | """
174 |
175 |
176 | # [[tree-sitter.parsers]]
177 | # additional parsers
178 | # name = "fuu-lang"
179 | # shared_object = "/etc/ayllu/parsers/libtree-sitter-fuu.so"
180 | # see https://tree-sitter.github.io/tree-sitter/syntax-highlighting#highlights
181 | # highlight_query = "/etc/ayllu/queries/fuu/highlights.scm"
182 | # see https://tree-sitter.github.io/tree-sitter/syntax-highlighting#local-variables
183 | # locals_query = "/etc/ayllu/queries/fuu/locals.scm"
184 | # see https://tree-sitter.github.io/tree-sitter/syntax-highlighting#language-injection
185 | # injections = "/etc/ayllu/queries/fuu/injections.scm"
186 |
187 | # any additional programming languages and their associated file extensions
188 | # [[ languages ]]
189 | # name = "BazQux"
190 | # extensions = [".baz", ".qux", ".bq"]
191 | # # deep pink
192 | # color = "#ff1493"
193 |
194 | # language configuration
195 | [languages]
196 |
197 | # Sometimes a file will be detected as one language but you want it to map to
198 | # another one. For instance a file named main.ml will default to Standard ML
199 | # however you might prefer OCaml instead. Mappings allow you to override
200 | # specific languages with your own preferences.
201 | [languages.mappings]
202 | "Standard ML" = "OCaml"
203 | # "Shell" is a blanket term for sh like languages but we want to map it
204 | # specifically to bash because that's the tree-sitter parser we have installed.
205 | "Shell" = "Bash"
206 |
207 | # any additional programming languages and their associated file extensions
208 | [[languages.extras]]
209 | name = "BazQux"
210 | extensions = [".baz", ".qux"]
211 | color = "#FF1493"
212 |
213 | # othertimes you want to override just the extension for a particular language,
214 | # .rs extensions map to both Rust and RenderScript.
215 | [[languages.extras]]
216 | name = "Rust"
217 | extensions = [".rs"]
218 |
219 |
220 | # Large File Store configuration
221 | # [lfs]
222 | # template URL to construct an API request which will be used to lookup the
223 | # reference object of the file. Other LFS server implementations may work but
224 | # this has only been tested with https://github.com/jasonwhite/rudolfs
225 | # url_template = "/lfs/{collection}/{name}/object/{oid}"
226 |
227 | # path to directories of repositories, each collection will be seperated into
228 | # a unique section on the index page. recursive directories are not supported,
229 | # you may only have a single level of repositories at this time.
230 | # [[collections]]
231 | # # name of the code collection
232 | # name = "projects"
233 | # description = "software projects actively being worked on"
234 | # path = "/path/to/projects"
235 | # # If true the collection will not show up in the main index or RSS feeds
236 | # hidden = false
237 | #
238 | # [[collections]]
239 | # name = "attic"
240 | # description = "archived code"
241 | # path = "/path/to/attic"
242 |
243 | # builder configuration for *this* builder instance
244 | [builder]
245 | # address = /tmp/builder.socket
246 | [builder.database]
247 | migrate = true
248 |
249 | # array of all known builders with their connection address
250 | # [[builders]]
251 | # hostname = localhost
252 | # address = /tmp/builder.socket
253 |
254 | # mailing list support with mailpot, if unspecified no mailing list pages will
255 | # be visible in the web application.
256 | [mail]
257 | # command used to send an e-mail
258 | sendmail_command = "/usr/bin/false"
259 | # socket path for communicating with the mail server. This will default to your
260 | # XDG_RUNTIME_DIR or /tmp/ayllu-mail.sock
261 | # socket_path = /var/run/user/1000/ayllu-mail.sock
262 |
263 | # Implements nginx_mail_auth_http protocol
264 | # https://nginx.org/en/docs/mail/ngx_mail_auth_http_module.html#protocol
265 | # to gate SMTP requests via Nginx
266 | [mail.nginx_auth]
267 | # address to listen for Nginx authentication requests from
268 | listen = ""
269 | # downstream SMTP server address
270 | host = ""
271 | # downstream SMTP server port
272 | port = 25
273 | # fully qualified domains to accept e-mail for
274 | domains = ["ayllu-dev.local"]
275 |
276 | # mailing lists to configure and automatically accept e-mail for
277 | [[mail.lists]]
278 | # unique identifier across all mailing lists
279 | id = "hello"
280 | # fully qualified email address where the mailing list lives
281 | address = "hello@ayllu-dev.local"
282 | # friendly description
283 | description = "an illistrative mailing list"
284 | # free-form string tags to specify the purpose of the mailing list
285 | topics = ["fuu", "bar"]
286 | # mailing list post policy
287 | post_policy = "Open"
288 | # mailing list subscription policy
289 | subscription_policy = {"send_confirmation" = true, "kind" = "Open"}