1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 |
3 | import pathlib
4 | import subprocess
5 |
6 | import yaml
7 |
8 | import ninja_syntax
9 |
10 |
11 | def _nth(n):
12 | return f"$$(echo $in | cut -d' ' -f{n})"
13 |
14 |
15 | def _render_rule(w: ninja_syntax.Writer, name, link):
16 | w.rule(
17 | f"render_{name}",
18 | " ".join(
19 | [
20 | "./render.py",
21 | "-stylesheet",
22 | "gen/main.css",
23 | "-template",
24 | _nth(1),
25 | "-sitemap",
26 | "sitemap.yaml",
27 | "-link",
28 | link,
29 | "-content",
30 | _nth(2) + "| htmlmin > $out",
31 | ]
32 | ),
33 | )
34 | return f"render_{name}"
35 |
36 |
37 | def _render_rss_rule(w: ninja_syntax.Writer):
38 | w.rule(f"render_rss", " ".join(["./render.py", "-rss", "> $out"]))
39 | return f"render_rss"
40 |
41 |
42 | def _compile_sm(w: ninja_syntax.Writer, entries: list, path: pathlib.Path):
43 | entries = list(
44 | filter(lambda entry: "enabled" not in entry or entry["enabled"], entries)
45 | )
46 | for entry in entries:
47 | next_path = path.joinpath(entry["name"])
48 | if "others" in entry and entry["others"]: # its a dir
49 | w.build(str(next_path), "mkdir")
50 | _compile_sm(w, entry["others"], next_path)
51 | else:
52 | source = list(next_path.glob("README.md"))
53 | if len(source) == 1:
54 | source = str(source[0])
55 | link = source.replace("content/", "", 1)
56 | link = source.replace("/README.md", "", 1)
57 | target = source.replace("content/", "", 1)
58 | target_dir = target.replace("/README.md", "", 1)
59 | w.build(target_dir, "mkdir")
60 | target = target.replace("README.md", "index.html", 1)
61 | target = "gen/" + target
62 | cmd = _render_rule(w, source.replace("/", "_", -1), link)
63 | w.build(
64 | target,
65 | cmd,
66 | inputs=["index.html.jinja", source, "sitemap.yaml", "render.py"],
67 | )
68 |
69 |
70 | if __name__ == "__main__":
71 | with open("sitemap.yaml", "r") as fp:
72 | sitemap = yaml.safe_load(fp.read())
73 | with open("build.ninja", "w") as fp:
74 | w = ninja_syntax.Writer(fp)
75 | w.comment("automatically generated, do not edit.")
76 | w.variable("sass_flags", "--style compressed")
77 | w.rule("mkdir", command="mkdir -p $out")
78 | w.rule("compile_sass", command="sassc $sass_flags $in $out")
79 | w.rule("make_qr_code", command="cat $in | qrencode -o $out")
80 | w.rule("copy", command="cp $in $out")
81 | w.build("index.html.jinja", "phony")
82 | w.build("render.py", "phony")
83 | w.build("sitemap.yaml", "phony")
84 | w.build("gen", "mkdir")
85 | w.build("gen/contact.png", "make_qr_code", inputs=["contact.txt"])
86 | w.build("gen/ks_stylized.png", "copy", inputs=["assets/ks_stylized.png"])
87 | w.build("gen/favicon.ico", "copy", inputs=["assets/favicon.ico"])
88 | w.build("gen/main.css", "compile_sass", inputs=["main.scss"])
89 | cmd = _render_rule(w, "index", "/")
90 | w.build(
91 | "gen/index.html",
92 | cmd,
93 | inputs=[
94 | "index.html.jinja",
95 | "content/index.md",
96 | "sitemap.yaml",
97 | "render.py",
98 | ],
99 | )
100 | cmd = _render_rss_rule(w)
101 | w.build("gen/index.xml", cmd)
102 | if sitemap["enabled"]:
103 | _compile_sm(w, sitemap["entries"], pathlib.Path("./content"))
104 | w.close()
105 |
106 | subprocess.call(args=["ninja"])