# Note 🐪 `Note` is a hierarchical based note taking application. ## Installation ### Package Managers A package for ArchLinux is available on the [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/note-ocaml). ## The Anatomy of a Note A note is a simple markdown document that contains zero or more instances of structured data encoded as YAML or JSON. Notes can optionally contain `front-matter` at the head of each file, which is YAML or JSON enclosed by a pair of `---`. ```markdown --- title: This is a Note tags: [ocaml, programming] --- # Hello World! Today will be a nice day. ``` ## Configuration The behavior of `note` can be configured with yaml file stored in `~/.config/note/config.yaml` and configure itself per the XDG Base Directory [specification](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html). You can view the resolved configuration by running `note config`: ```yaml state_dir: /home/kevin/.local/share/note lock_file: /home/kevin/.local/share/note.lock editor: nvim on_modification: note_commit.sh ``` ## Structured Data Notes that contain code blocks with structured data as well as front-matter are automatically parsed and exposed via the command API. ### Example ````bash note create -stdin <