Author: Kevin Schoon []
Hash: d571afee011f2755eb1fb0bc2504c4614e21e0cf
Timestamp: Sun, 16 May 2021 14:05:07 +0000 (3 years ago)

+82 -1 +/-3 browse
WIP search terms, structure notes as a tree
1diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
2index fec8dd6..2b5aae3 100644
3--- a/lib/
4+++ b/lib/
5 @@ -249,6 +249,13 @@ let sync =
6 Command.basic ~summary:"sync notes to a remote server"
7 (Command.Param.return (fun () -> Sync.sync cfg.on_sync))
9+ let tree =
10+ Command.basic ~summary:"tree debug command"
11+ (Command.Param.return (fun () ->
12+ let notes = get_notes in
13+ print_endline (sprintf "%d" (List.length notes));
14+ Note.dump_tree notes))
16 let version =
17 match Build_info.V1.version () with
18 | None -> "n/a"
19 @@ -268,4 +275,5 @@ let run =
20 ("edit", edit_note);
21 ("ls", list_notes);
22 ("sync", sync);
23+ ("tree", tree);
24 ])
25 diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
26index 607e3dc..f90f9cc 100644
27--- a/lib/
28+++ b/lib/
29 @@ -16,6 +16,27 @@ and note = {
30 parent : term option;
31 }
33+ let operator_of_string = function
34+ | "Or" -> Or
35+ | "And" -> And
36+ | _ -> failwith "invalid operator"
38+ let term_of_json json =
39+ let titles =
40+ match Ezjsonm.find_opt json [ "titles" ] with
41+ | Some titles -> ~f:Re.Str.regexp (Ezjsonm.get_strings titles)
42+ | None -> []
43+ and tags =
44+ match Ezjsonm.find_opt json [ "tags" ] with
45+ | Some tags -> ~f:Re.Str.regexp (Ezjsonm.get_strings tags)
46+ | None -> []
47+ and operator =
48+ match Ezjsonm.find_opt json [ "operator" ] with
49+ | Some operator -> operator_of_string (Ezjsonm.get_string operator)
50+ | None -> Or
51+ in
52+ { titles; tags; operator }
54 let build ?(description = "") ?(tags = []) ?(content = "") ~title slug =
55 let frontmatter =
56 Ezjsonm.dict
57 @@ -96,13 +117,17 @@ let of_string ~content slug =
58 "frontmatter is a partial fragment, should be either a dictionary \
59 or list"
60 in
61+ let parent = Ezjsonm.find_opt (Ezjsonm.value frontmatter) [ "parent" ] in
62+ let parent =
63+ match parent with Some json -> Some (term_of_json json) | None -> None
64+ in
65 let markdown : Omd.doc =
66 Omd.of_string
67 (String.slice content
68 (List.nth_exn indexes 1 + 3)
69 (String.length content))
70 in
71- { frontmatter; content; markdown; slug; parent = None }
72+ { frontmatter; content; markdown; slug; parent }
73 else
74 let frontmatter = Ezjsonm.dict [] in
75 let markdown = Omd.of_string content in
76 @@ -176,6 +201,48 @@ let find_one ~term notes =
77 let results = find_many ~term notes in
78 match List.length results with 0 -> None | _ -> Some (List.hd_exn results)
80+ let find_one_exn ~term notes =
81+ let result = find_one ~term notes in
82+ match result with
83+ | Some result -> result
84+ | None -> failwith "not found"
86+ (* TODO terrible performance but who cares? *)
87+ let resolve tree notes =
88+ List.fold ~init:tree
89+ ~f:(fun accm note ->
90+ let slug_id = Slug.to_string note.slug in
91+ match note.parent with
92+ | Some term -> (
93+ match find_one ~term notes with
94+ | Some parent -> (
95+ let parent_slug_id = Slug.to_string parent.slug in
96+ let children =
97+ List.Assoc.find ~equal:String.equal accm parent_slug_id
98+ in
99+ match children with
100+ | Some children ->
101+ List.Assoc.add ~equal:String.equal accm parent_slug_id
102+ (List.append children [ slug_id ])
103+ | None ->
104+ List.Assoc.add ~equal:String.equal accm parent_slug_id
105+ [ slug_id ])
106+ | None -> failwith "cannot resolve parent")
107+ | None ->
108+ if List.Assoc.mem ~equal:String.equal accm slug_id then accm
109+ else List.Assoc.add ~equal:String.equal accm slug_id [])
110+ notes
112+ type node = Node of (note option * note list)
114+ let dump_tree notes =
115+ let tree = resolve [] notes in
116+ let tree = resolve tree notes in
117+ List.iter
118+ ~f:(fun (key, values) ->
119+ print_endline (key ^ sprintf " -> %d" (List.length values)))
120+ tree
122 open ANSITerminal
124 let paint_tag (styles : Config.StylePair.t list) text : string =
125 diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
126index ef4cef7..b01a9b0 100644
127--- a/lib/
128+++ b/lib/
129 @@ -2,6 +2,12 @@ open Core
131 type t = { path : string; date : Date.t; index : int }
133+ let compare s1 s2 =
134+ s1.path s2.path
136+ let sexp_of_t t : Sexp.t =
137+ List [ Atom t.path ]
139 let get_path t = t.path
141 let to_string t =