Author: Kevin Schoon []
Hash: ba6d2a2566595a072fac4ab3e770a4f6ea942d86
Timestamp: Sun, 25 Apr 2021 14:58:37 +0000 (3 years ago)

+26 -64 +/-1 browse
always include frontmatter
1diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
2index 5b0896a..7ca26a1 100644
3--- a/lib/
4+++ b/lib/
5 @@ -1,68 +1,39 @@
6 open Core
8 type t = {
9- frontmatter : Ezjsonm.t option;
10+ frontmatter : Ezjsonm.t;
11 content : string;
12 markdown : Omd.doc;
13 slug : Slug.t;
14+ parent : Slug.t option;
15 }
17- let build ?(tags = []) ?(content = "") ~title slug =
18+ let build ?(description = "") ?(tags = []) ?(content = "") ~title slug =
19 let frontmatter =
20- Some
21- (Ezjsonm.dict
22- [ ("title", Ezjsonm.string title); ("tags", Ezjsonm.strings tags) ])
23+ Ezjsonm.dict
24+ [
25+ ("title", Ezjsonm.string title);
26+ ("description", Ezjsonm.string description);
27+ ("tags", Ezjsonm.strings tags);
28+ ]
29 in
30 let markdown = Omd.of_string content in
31- { frontmatter; content; markdown; slug }
33- let rec title_of_markdown (blocks : Omd.block list) : string =
34- match blocks with
35- | [] -> ""
36- | hd :: tl -> (
37- match hd.bl_desc with
38- | Heading (_, content) -> (
39- match content.il_desc with
40- | Text text -> text
41- | _ -> title_of_markdown tl)
42- | Paragraph content -> (
43- match content.il_desc with
44- | Text text -> text
45- | _ -> title_of_markdown tl)
46- | _ -> "??")
47+ { frontmatter; content; markdown; slug; parent = None }
49 let get_title t =
50- let title =
51- match t.frontmatter with
52- | Some fm -> (
53- match Ezjsonm.find_opt (Ezjsonm.value fm) [ "title" ] with
54- | Some v -> Some (Ezjsonm.get_string v)
55- | None -> None)
56- | None -> None
57- in
58- match title with
59- | Some title -> title
60- (* Since we couldn't determine the title from frontmatter now we will
61- infer the title by looking at the markdown *)
62- | None -> title_of_markdown t.markdown
63+ (* if title is specified use that, otherwise fall back to slug *)
64+ match Ezjsonm.find_opt (Ezjsonm.value t.frontmatter) [ "title" ] with
65+ | Some title -> Ezjsonm.get_string title
66+ | None -> Slug.to_string t.slug
68 let get_description t =
69- let description =
70- match t.frontmatter with
71- | Some fm -> (
72- match Ezjsonm.find_opt (Ezjsonm.value fm) [ "description" ] with
73- | Some v -> Some (Ezjsonm.get_string v)
74- | None -> None)
75- | None -> None
76- in
77- match description with Some description -> description | None -> ""
78+ match Ezjsonm.find_opt (Ezjsonm.value t.frontmatter) [ "description" ] with
79+ | Some description -> Ezjsonm.get_string description
80+ | None -> ""
82 let get_tags t =
83- match t.frontmatter with
84- | Some fm -> (
85- match Ezjsonm.find_opt (Ezjsonm.value fm) [ "tags" ] with
86- | Some v -> Ezjsonm.get_strings v
87- | None -> [])
88+ match Ezjsonm.find_opt (Ezjsonm.value t.frontmatter) [ "tags" ] with
89+ | Some tags -> Ezjsonm.get_strings tags
90 | None -> []
92 let get_path t = Slug.get_path t.slug
93 @@ -89,25 +60,16 @@ let get_data t =
94 Ezjsonm.list (fun value -> value) data
96 let to_json t =
97- let frontmatter =
98- match t.frontmatter with
99- | Some fm -> Ezjsonm.value fm
100- | None -> Ezjsonm.unit ()
101- in
102 Ezjsonm.dict
103 [
104- ("frontmatter", frontmatter);
105+ ("frontmatter", Ezjsonm.value t.frontmatter);
106 ("content", Ezjsonm.string t.content);
107 ("data", get_data t);
108 ]
110 let to_string t =
111- match t.frontmatter with
112- | Some fm ->
113- let front_matter = Yaml.to_string_exn (Ezjsonm.value fm) in
114- String.concat ~sep:"\n"
115- [ "---"; front_matter; "---"; Omd.to_html t.markdown ]
116- | None -> Omd.to_html t.markdown
117+ let yaml = Yaml.to_string_exn (Ezjsonm.value t.frontmatter) in
118+ "\n---" ^ yaml ^ "\n---\n" ^ t.content
120 let of_string ~content slug =
121 let indexes =
122 @@ -132,12 +94,11 @@ let of_string ~content slug =
123 (List.nth_exn indexes 1 + 3)
124 (String.length content))
125 in
126- let frontmatter = Some frontmatter in
127- { frontmatter; content; markdown; slug }
128+ { frontmatter; content; markdown; slug; parent = None }
129 else
130- let frontmatter = None in
131+ let frontmatter = Ezjsonm.dict [] in
132 let markdown = Omd.of_string content in
133- { frontmatter; content; markdown; slug }
134+ { frontmatter; content; markdown; slug; parent = None }
136 module Util = struct
137 let split_words str =
138 @@ -155,6 +116,7 @@ module Util = struct
139 match doc with
140 | [] -> accm
141 | hd :: tl -> (
142+ (* TODO: account for headings, lists, etc *)
143 match hd.bl_desc with
144 | Paragraph inline ->
145 let accm = accm @ split_words inline.il_desc in