Author: Kevin Schoon []
Hash: 955568fd55f25a83478a47843f86e384f413b39c
Timestamp: Mon, 12 Apr 2021 12:43:31 +0000 (3 years ago)

+58 -61 +/-2 browse
migrate to omd 2.0 alpha
1diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
2index c33f8bc..afc20c9 100644
3--- a/lib/
4+++ b/lib/
5 @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
6 open Core
8- type t = { frontmatter : Ezjsonm.t option; markdown : Omd.t; slug : Slug.t }
9+ type t = { frontmatter : Ezjsonm.t option; markdown : Omd.doc; slug : Slug.t }
11 let build ?(tags = []) ?(content = "") ~title slug =
12 let frontmatter =
13 @@ -11,30 +11,35 @@ let build ?(tags = []) ?(content = "") ~title slug =
14 let markdown = Omd.of_string content in
15 { frontmatter; markdown; slug }
17+ let rec title_of_markdown (blocks : Omd.block list) : string =
18+ match blocks with
19+ | [] -> ""
20+ | hd :: tl -> (
21+ match hd.bl_desc with
22+ | Heading (_, content) -> (
23+ match content.il_desc with
24+ | Text text -> text
25+ | _ -> title_of_markdown tl)
26+ | Paragraph content -> (
27+ match content.il_desc with
28+ | Text text -> text
29+ | _ -> title_of_markdown tl)
30+ | _ -> "??")
32 let get_title t =
33 let title =
34 match t.frontmatter with
35 | Some fm -> (
36 match Ezjsonm.find_opt (Ezjsonm.value fm) [ "title" ] with
37 | Some v -> Some (Ezjsonm.get_string v)
38- | None -> None )
39+ | None -> None)
40 | None -> None
41 in
42 match title with
43 | Some title -> title
44 (* Since we couldn't determine the title from frontmatter now we will
45 infer the title by looking at the markdown *)
46- | None -> (
47- let title =
48- List.find
49- ~f:(fun entry ->
50- match entry with
51- | Omd.H1 _ | Omd.H2 _ | Omd.H3 _ | Omd.H4 _ | Omd.H5 _ | Omd.H6 _ ->
52- true
53- | _ -> false)
54- t.markdown
55- in
56- match title with Some e -> Omd_backend.text_of_md [ e ] | None -> "???" )
57+ | None -> title_of_markdown t.markdown
59 let get_description t =
60 let description =
61 @@ -42,7 +47,7 @@ let get_description t =
62 | Some fm -> (
63 match Ezjsonm.find_opt (Ezjsonm.value fm) [ "description" ] with
64 | Some v -> Some (Ezjsonm.get_string v)
65- | None -> None )
66+ | None -> None)
67 | None -> None
68 in
69 match description with Some description -> description | None -> ""
70 @@ -52,27 +57,33 @@ let get_tags t =
71 | Some fm -> (
72 match Ezjsonm.find_opt (Ezjsonm.value fm) [ "tags" ] with
73 | Some v -> Ezjsonm.get_strings v
74- | None -> [] )
75+ | None -> [])
76 | None -> []
78 let get_path t = Slug.get_path t.slug
80+ let rec extract_structured_data (accm : Ezjsonm.value list) (doc : Omd.doc) :
81+ Ezjsonm.value list =
82+ match doc with
83+ | [] -> accm
84+ | hd :: tl -> (
85+ match hd.bl_desc with
86+ | Code_block (kind, content) -> (
87+ match kind with
88+ | "json" ->
89+ let accm = accm @ [ Ezjsonm.from_string content ] in
90+ extract_structured_data accm tl
91+ | "yaml" ->
92+ let accm = accm @ [ Ezjsonm.wrap (Yaml.of_string_exn content) ] in
93+ extract_structured_data accm tl
94+ | _ -> extract_structured_data accm tl)
95+ | _ -> extract_structured_data accm tl)
97 let get_data t =
98- let data =
99- List.filter_map
100- ~f:(fun entry ->
101- match entry with
102- | Code (language, data) | Code_block (language, data) -> (
103- match language with
104- | "JSON" | "Json" | "json" ->
105- Some (Ezjsonm.value (Ezjsonm.from_string data))
106- | "YAML" | "Yaml" | "yaml" -> Some (Yaml.of_string_exn data)
107- | _ -> None )
108- | _ -> None)
109- t.markdown
110- in
111+ let data = extract_structured_data [] t.markdown in
112 Ezjsonm.list (fun value -> value) data
114+ (* TODO: fix html conversion *)
115 let to_json t =
116 let frontmatter =
117 match t.frontmatter with
118 @@ -82,7 +93,7 @@ let to_json t =
119 Ezjsonm.dict
120 [
121 ("frontmatter", frontmatter);
122- ("content", Ezjsonm.string (Omd.to_text t.markdown));
123+ ("content", Ezjsonm.string (Omd.to_html t.markdown));
124 ("data", get_data t);
125 ]
127 @@ -91,8 +102,8 @@ let to_string t =
128 | Some fm ->
129 let front_matter = Yaml.to_string_exn (Ezjsonm.value fm) in
130 String.concat ~sep:"\n"
131- [ "---"; front_matter; "---"; Omd.to_text t.markdown ]
132- | None -> Omd.to_text t.markdown
133+ [ "---"; front_matter; "---"; Omd.to_html t.markdown ]
134+ | None -> Omd.to_html t.markdown
136 let of_string ~data slug =
137 let indexes = String.substr_index_all ~may_overlap:true ~pattern:"---" data in
138 @@ -109,7 +120,7 @@ let of_string ~data slug =
139 "frontmatter is a partial fragment, should be either a dictionary \
140 or list"
141 in
142- let markdown : Omd.t =
143+ let markdown : Omd.doc =
144 Omd.of_string
145 (String.slice data (List.nth_exn indexes 1 + 3) (String.length data))
146 in
147 @@ -129,32 +140,18 @@ module Util = struct
148 | _ -> Some x)
149 (String.split ~on:' ' str)
151- let rec to_words markdown =
152- match markdown with
153- | [] -> []
154- | hd :: tl ->
155- ( match hd with
156- | Omd.Text s -> split_words s
157- | Omd.H1 v
158- | Omd.H2 v
159- | Omd.H3 v
160- | Omd.H4 v
161- | Omd.H5 v
162- | Omd.H6 v
163- | Omd.Blockquote v
164- | Omd.Bold v
165- | Omd.Emph v
166- | Omd.Paragraph v ->
167- to_words v
168- | Omd.Url (_, inner, title) -> split_words title @ to_words inner
169- | Omd.Ref (_, _, title, _) -> split_words title
170- | Omd.Ol l | Omd.Olp l | Omd.Ul l | Omd.Ulp l ->
171- List.fold
172- ~init:([] : string list)
173- ~f:(fun accm elem -> accm @ to_words elem)
174- l
175- | _ -> [] )
176- @ to_words tl
177+ let rec to_words (accm : string list) (doc : Omd.doc) : string list =
178+ let split_words inline =
179+ match inline with Omd.Text text -> String.split ~on:' ' text | _ -> []
180+ in
181+ match doc with
182+ | [] -> accm
183+ | hd :: tl -> (
184+ match hd.bl_desc with
185+ | Paragraph inline ->
186+ let accm = accm @ split_words inline.il_desc in
187+ to_words accm tl
188+ | _ -> to_words accm tl)
189 end
191 module Encoding = struct
192 @@ -183,7 +180,7 @@ module Search = struct
193 List.count ~f:(fun tag -> string_match expr tag 0) tags > 0
195 let content expr note =
196- let words = Util.to_words note.markdown in
197+ let words = Util.to_words [] note.markdown in
198 List.count ~f:(fun word -> string_match expr word 0) words > 0
200 let match_and_rank ~args notes =
201 @@ -265,7 +262,7 @@ let to_cells ~columns ~styles notes =
202 | `WordCount ->
203 let text_value =
204 Core.sprintf "%d"
205- (List.length (Util.to_words note.markdown))
206+ (List.length (Util.to_words [] note.markdown))
207 in
208 (text_value, String.length text_value, default_padding)
209 | `Slug ->
210 diff --git a/note.opam b/note.opam
211index 38f9716..a2d662a 100644
212--- a/note.opam
213+++ b/note.opam
214 @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ depends: [
215 "core" {>= "v0.14.0"}
216 "dune" {>= "2.7" & >= "2.7"}
217 "ezjsonm" {>= "1.2.0"}
218- "omd" {>= "1.3.1"}
219+ "omd" {>= "2.0.0~alpha1"}
220 "re" {>= "v1.9.0"}
221 "stdio" {>= "v0.14.0"}
222 "yaml" {>= "2.1.0"}