Author: Kevin Schoon []
Hash: 785555839f3136d4361eb16813ada1f62473a8d3
Timestamp: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 22:08:49 +0000 (4 years ago)

+15 -9 +/-1 browse
allow configuration of list style
1diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
2index f98e5ef..1634953 100644
3--- a/lib/
4+++ b/lib/
5 @@ -29,6 +29,14 @@ let encoding_argument =
6 | "Raw" | "raw" | "RAW" -> Raw
7 | _ -> failwith "unsupported encoding type")
9+ let style_argument =
10+ Command.Arg_type.create (fun encoding_str ->
11+ match encoding_str with
12+ | "Fixed" | "fixed" | "FIXED" -> Note.Display.Fixed
13+ | "Wide" | "wide" | "WIDE" -> Note.Display.Wide
14+ | "Simple" | "simple" | "SIMPLE" -> Note.Display.Simple
15+ | _ -> failwith "unsupported style type")
17 let filter_arg =
18 Command.Arg_type.create
19 ~complete:(fun _ ~part ->
20 @@ -59,12 +67,9 @@ let encode_value value = function
21 | Config config -> Config.to_string config
22 | Note note -> Note.to_string note )
23 | Raw -> (
24- match value with
25- | Config config -> Config.to_string config
26- | Note note ->
27- (In_channel.read_all (Note.get_path note))
29- )
30+ match value with
31+ | Config config -> Config.to_string config
32+ | Note note -> In_channel.read_all (Note.get_path note) )
34 (*
35 * commands
36 @@ -265,12 +270,13 @@ note ls
37 and fulltext =
38 flag "fulltext" no_arg
39 ~doc:"perform a fulltext search instead of just key comparison"
40- and simple =
41- flag "simple" no_arg ~doc:"simple program output (machine readable)"
42+ and style =
43+ flag "style"
44+ (optional_with_default Note.Display.Fixed style_argument)
45+ ~doc:"list style [fixed | wide | simple]"
46 in
47 fun () ->
48 let open Note.Filter in
49- let style = if simple then Simple else Fixed in
50 let filter_kind = if fulltext then Some Fulltext else None in
51 let notes =
52 Note.Filter.find_many ?strategy:filter_kind ~args:filter_args