Author: Kevin Schoon []
Hash: 76a7ff165fd63438e32f2f8dce94d5aeb115333e
Timestamp: Fri, 09 Jul 2021 20:49:10 +0000 (3 years ago)

+52 -4 +/-3 browse
re-enable encoding options and rudimentary html output
1diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
2index 9f8ce33..e6a9031 100644
3--- a/bin/
4+++ b/bin/
5 @@ -70,6 +70,23 @@ module Display = struct
6 |> List.iter ~f:(fun row -> print_endline row)
7 end
9+ module Encoding = struct
10+ let to_stdout ~encoding tree =
11+ match encoding with
12+ | `Raw ->
13+ let note = tree |> Note.Tree.fst in
14+ note |> Note.to_string |> print_endline
15+ | `Json ->
16+ tree |> Note.Tree.to_json |> Ezjsonm.wrap |> Ezjsonm.to_string
17+ |> print_endline
18+ | `Yaml ->
19+ tree |> Note.Tree.to_json |> Ezjsonm.wrap |> Yaml.to_string_exn
20+ |> print_endline
21+ | `Html ->
22+ let note = tree |> Note.Tree.fst in
23+ note |> Note.to_html |> print_endline
24+ end
26 module Args = struct
27 let list_style =
28 let styles =
29 @@ -94,6 +111,17 @@ module Args = struct
30 options |> Note.Completion.suggest_tags ~hint:part)
31 (fun filter -> filter)
33+ let encoding =
34+ let encodings =
35+ Config.Encoding.all |> ~f:Config.Encoding.to_string
36+ in
37+ Command.Arg_type.create
38+ ~complete:(fun _ ~part ->
39+ encodings
40+ |> List.filter ~f:(fun encoding ->
41+ String.is_substring ~substring:part encoding))
42+ Config.Encoding.of_string
44 let config_key =
45 let keys = ~f:Config.Key.to_string Config.Key.all in
46 Command.Arg_type.create
47 @@ -137,14 +165,16 @@ List one or more notes that match the filter criteria, if no filter criteria
48 is provided then all notes will be listed.
49 |})
50 [%map_open
51- let paths = anon (sequence ("path" %: Args.path)) in
52+ let paths = anon (sequence ("path" %: Args.path))
53+ and encoding = flag "encoding" (optional Args.encoding) ~doc:"encoding" in
54 fun () ->
55 let paths = match paths with [] -> [ "/" ] | paths -> paths in
56+ let encoding =
57+ match encoding with Some encoding -> encoding | None -> `Raw
58+ in
59 paths
60 |> ~f:(fun path -> options |> Note.load ~path)
61- |> List.iter ~f:(fun notes ->
62- let note = notes |> Note.Tree.fst in
63- note |> Note.to_string |> print_endline)]
64+ |> List.iter ~f:(Encoding.to_stdout ~encoding)]
66 let create_note =
67 let open Command.Let_syntax in
68 diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
69index 7443ba5..f5e53d7 100644
70--- a/lib/
71+++ b/lib/
72 @@ -87,6 +87,9 @@ let to_json note =
73 ("data", data);
74 ]
76+ let to_html note =
77+ note.content |> Omd.of_string |> Omd.to_html
79 let to_string note =
80 let yaml = Yaml.to_string_exn (Frontmatter.to_json note.frontmatter) in
81 "\n---\n" ^ yaml ^ "\n---\n" ^ note.content
82 @@ -124,6 +127,15 @@ module Tree = struct
83 let (Tree (note, _)) = tree in
84 note
86+ let note_to_json = to_json
88+ let rec to_json tree =
89+ let (Tree (root, others)) = tree in
90+ Ezjsonm.dict [
91+ ("note", (root |> note_to_json)) ;
92+ ("descendants", others |> ~f:to_json |> Ezjsonm.list (fun a -> a))
93+ ]
95 let rec resolve_manifest ~path manifest =
96 match manifest |> Manifest.list ~path with
97 | [] -> []
98 diff --git a/lib/note.mli b/lib/note.mli
99index 33b631d..0108019 100644
100--- a/lib/note.mli
101+++ b/lib/note.mli
102 @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ val of_string : ?path:string option -> string -> t
103 val to_json : t -> Ezjsonm.value
104 (* get a note as json data with structured data extracted from it *)
106+ val to_html : t -> string
107+ (* return the html form of a note *)
109 val frontmatter : t -> Frontmatter.t
110 (* get decoded frontmatter structure *)
112 @@ -30,6 +33,9 @@ module Tree : sig
114 val flatten : tree -> t list
115 (* flatten a tree into a list of notes *)
117+ val to_json : tree -> Ezjsonm.value
118+ (* return a json representation of each note and it's descendants *)
119 end
121 (*