.ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .TH mpot 1 "mpot 0.1.1" .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .SH NAME mpot \- mailing list manager .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .SH SYNOPSIS \fBmpot\fR [\fB\-d\fR|\fB\-\-debug\fR] [\fB\-c\fR|\fB\-\-config\fR] [\fB\-q\fR|\fB\-\-quiet\fR] [\fB\-v\fR|\fB\-\-verbose\fR]... [\fB\-t\fR|\fB\-\-ts\fR] [\fB\-h\fR|\fB\-\-help\fR] [\fB\-V\fR|\fB\-\-version\fR] <\fIsubcommands\fR> .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .SH DESCRIPTION Tool for mailpot mailing list management. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .TP \-d, \-\-debug Print logs. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-c, \-\-config \fICONFIG\fR Configuration file to use. .TP \-q, \-\-quiet Silence all output. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-v, \-\-verbose Verbose mode (\-v, \-vv, \-vvv, etc). .TP \-t, \-\-ts \fITS\fR Debug log timestamp (sec, ms, ns, none). .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .SH "QUICK START" mailpot saves its data in a sqlite3 file. To define the location of the sqlite3 file we need a configuration file, which can be generated with: mpot sample\-config > conf.toml Mailing lists can now be created: mpot \-c conf.toml create\-list \-\-name "my first list" \-\-id mylist \-\-address mylist@example.com You can list all the mailing lists with: mpot \-c conf.toml list\-lists You should add yourself as the list owner: mpot \-c conf.toml list mylist add\-list\-owner \-\-address myself@example.com \-\-name "Nemo" And also enable posting and subscriptions by setting list policies: mpot \-c conf.toml list mylist add\-policy \-\-subscriber\-only mpot \-c conf.toml list mylist add\-subscribe\-policy \-\-request \-\-send\-confirmation To post on a mailing list or submit a list request, pipe a raw e\-mail into STDIN: mpot \-c conf.toml post You can configure your mail server to redirect e\-mails addressed to your mailing lists to this command. For postfix, you can automatically generate this configuration with: mpot \-c conf.toml print\-postfix\-config \-\-user myself \-\-binary\-path /path/to/mpot This will print the following: \- content of `transport_maps` and `local_recipient_maps` The output must be saved in a plain text file. Map output should be added to transport_maps and local_recipient_maps parameters in postfix\*(Aqs main.cf. To make postfix be able to read them, the postmap application must be executed with the path to the map file as its sole argument. postmap /path/to/mylist_maps postmap is usually distributed along with the other postfix binaries. \- `master.cf` service entry The output must be entered in the master.cf file. See . .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .SH SUBCOMMANDS .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot sample-config .\fR .br .br mpot sample\-config [\-\-with\-smtp \fIWITH_SMTP\fR] .br Prints a sample config file to STDOUT. .TP \-\-with\-smtp Use an SMTP connection instead of a shell process. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot dump-database .\fR .br .br Dumps database data to STDOUT. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list-lists .\fR .br .br Lists all registered mailing lists. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list .\fR .br .br mpot list \fILIST_ID\fR .br Mailing list management. .TP \fILIST_ID\fR Selects mailing list to operate on. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list subscriptions .\fR .br .br List subscriptions of list. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list subscription-requests .\fR .br .br List subscription requests. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list add-subscription .\fR .br .br mpot list add\-subscription \-\-address \fIADDRESS\fR [\-\-name \fINAME\fR] [\-\-digest \fIDIGEST\fR] [\-\-hide\-address \fIHIDE_ADDRESS\fR] [\-\-verified \fIVERIFIED\fR] [\-\-receive\-confirmation \fIRECEIVE_CONFIRMATION\fR] [\-\-receive\-duplicates \fIRECEIVE_DUPLICATES\fR] [\-\-receive\-own\-posts \fIRECEIVE_OWN_POSTS\fR] [\-\-enabled \fIENABLED\fR] .br Add subscription to list. .TP \-\-address \fIADDRESS\fR E\-mail address. .TP \-\-name \fINAME\fR Name. .TP \-\-digest \fIDIGEST\fR [default: false] Send messages as digest. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-hide\-address \fIHIDE_ADDRESS\fR [default: false] Hide message from list when posting. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-verified \fIVERIFIED\fR [default: false] Hide message from list when posting. E\-mail address verification status. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-receive\-confirmation \fIRECEIVE_CONFIRMATION\fR [default: true] Receive confirmation email when posting. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-receive\-duplicates \fIRECEIVE_DUPLICATES\fR [default: true] Receive posts from list even if address exists in To or Cc header. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-receive\-own\-posts \fIRECEIVE_OWN_POSTS\fR [default: false] Receive own posts from list. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-enabled \fIENABLED\fR [default: true] Is subscription enabled. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list remove-subscription .\fR .br .br mpot list remove\-subscription \-\-address \fIADDRESS\fR .br Remove subscription from list. .TP \-\-address \fIADDRESS\fR E\-mail address. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list update-subscription .\fR .br .br mpot list update\-subscription [\-\-name \fINAME\fR] [\-\-digest \fIDIGEST\fR] [\-\-hide\-address \fIHIDE_ADDRESS\fR] [\-\-verified \fIVERIFIED\fR] [\-\-receive\-confirmation \fIRECEIVE_CONFIRMATION\fR] [\-\-receive\-duplicates \fIRECEIVE_DUPLICATES\fR] [\-\-receive\-own\-posts \fIRECEIVE_OWN_POSTS\fR] [\-\-enabled \fIENABLED\fR] \fIADDRESS\fR .br Update subscription info. .TP \fIADDRESS\fR Address to edit. .TP \-\-name \fINAME\fR Name. .TP \-\-digest \fIDIGEST\fR [default: false] Send messages as digest. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-hide\-address \fIHIDE_ADDRESS\fR [default: false] Hide message from list when posting. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-verified \fIVERIFIED\fR [default: false] Hide message from list when posting. E\-mail address verification status. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-receive\-confirmation \fIRECEIVE_CONFIRMATION\fR [default: true] Receive confirmation email when posting. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-receive\-duplicates \fIRECEIVE_DUPLICATES\fR [default: true] Receive posts from list even if address exists in To or Cc header. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-receive\-own\-posts \fIRECEIVE_OWN_POSTS\fR [default: false] Receive own posts from list. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-enabled \fIENABLED\fR [default: true] Is subscription enabled. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list accept-subscription-request .\fR .br .br mpot list accept\-subscription\-request [\-\-do\-not\-send\-confirmation \fIDO_NOT_SEND_CONFIRMATION\fR] \fIPK\fR .br Accept a subscription request by its primary key. .TP \fIPK\fR The primary key of the request. .TP \-\-do\-not\-send\-confirmation Do not send confirmation e\-mail. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list send-confirmation-for-subscription .\fR .br .br mpot list send\-confirmation\-for\-subscription \fIPK\fR .br Send subscription confirmation manually. .TP \fIPK\fR The primary key of the subscription. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list add-post-policy .\fR .br .br mpot list add\-post\-policy [\-\-announce\-only \fIANNOUNCE_ONLY\fR] [\-\-subscription\-only \fISUBSCRIPTION_ONLY\fR] [\-\-approval\-needed \fIAPPROVAL_NEEDED\fR] [\-\-open \fIOPEN\fR] [\-\-custom \fICUSTOM\fR] .br Add a new post policy. .TP \-\-announce\-only Only list owners can post. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-subscription\-only Only subscriptions can post. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-approval\-needed Subscriptions can post. Other posts must be approved by list owners. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-open Anyone can post without restrictions. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-custom Allow posts, but handle it manually. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list remove-post-policy .\fR .br .br mpot list remove\-post\-policy \-\-pk \fIPK\fR .br .TP \-\-pk \fIPK\fR Post policy primary key. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list add-subscription-policy .\fR .br .br mpot list add\-subscription\-policy [\-\-send\-confirmation \fISEND_CONFIRMATION\fR] [\-\-open \fIOPEN\fR] [\-\-manual \fIMANUAL\fR] [\-\-request \fIREQUEST\fR] [\-\-custom \fICUSTOM\fR] .br Add subscription policy to list. .TP \-\-send\-confirmation Send confirmation e\-mail when subscription is finalized. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-open Anyone can subscribe without restrictions. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-manual Only list owners can manually add subscriptions. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-request Anyone can request to subscribe. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-custom Allow subscriptions, but handle it manually. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list remove-subscription-policy .\fR .br .br mpot list remove\-subscription\-policy \-\-pk \fIPK\fR .br .TP \-\-pk \fIPK\fR Subscription policy primary key. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list add-list-owner .\fR .br .br mpot list add\-list\-owner \-\-address \fIADDRESS\fR [\-\-name \fINAME\fR] .br Add list owner to list. .TP \-\-address \fIADDRESS\fR .TP \-\-name \fINAME\fR .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list remove-list-owner .\fR .br .br mpot list remove\-list\-owner \-\-pk \fIPK\fR .br .TP \-\-pk \fIPK\fR List owner primary key. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list enable-subscription .\fR .br .br mpot list enable\-subscription \fIADDRESS\fR .br Alias for update\-subscription \-\-enabled true. .TP \fIADDRESS\fR Subscription address. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list disable-subscription .\fR .br .br mpot list disable\-subscription \fIADDRESS\fR .br Alias for update\-subscription \-\-enabled false. .TP \fIADDRESS\fR Subscription address. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list update .\fR .br .br mpot list update [\-\-name \fINAME\fR] [\-\-id \fIID\fR] [\-\-address \fIADDRESS\fR] [\-\-description \fIDESCRIPTION\fR] [\-\-archive\-url \fIARCHIVE_URL\fR] [\-\-owner\-local\-part \fIOWNER_LOCAL_PART\fR] [\-\-request\-local\-part \fIREQUEST_LOCAL_PART\fR] [\-\-verify \fIVERIFY\fR] [\-\-hidden \fIHIDDEN\fR] [\-\-enabled \fIENABLED\fR] .br Update mailing list details. .TP \-\-name \fINAME\fR New list name. .TP \-\-id \fIID\fR New List\-ID. .TP \-\-address \fIADDRESS\fR New list address. .TP \-\-description \fIDESCRIPTION\fR New list description. .TP \-\-archive\-url \fIARCHIVE_URL\fR New list archive URL. .TP \-\-owner\-local\-part \fIOWNER_LOCAL_PART\fR New owner address local part. If empty, it defaults to \*(Aq+owner\*(Aq. .TP \-\-request\-local\-part \fIREQUEST_LOCAL_PART\fR New request address local part. If empty, it defaults to \*(Aq+request\*(Aq. .TP \-\-verify \fIVERIFY\fR Require verification of e\-mails for new subscriptions. Subscriptions that are initiated from the subscription\*(Aqs address are verified automatically. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-hidden \fIHIDDEN\fR Public visibility of list. If hidden, the list will not show up in public APIs unless requests to it won\*(Aqt work. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-enabled \fIENABLED\fR Enable or disable the list\*(Aqs functionality. If not enabled, the list will continue to show up in the database but e\-mails and requests to it won\*(Aqt work. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list health .\fR .br .br Show mailing list health status. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list info .\fR .br .br Show mailing list info. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot list import-members .\fR .br .br mpot list import\-members \-\-url \fIURL\fR \-\-username \fIUSERNAME\fR \-\-password \fIPASSWORD\fR \-\-list\-id \fILIST_ID\fR [\-\-dry\-run \fIDRY_RUN\fR] [\-\-skip\-owners \fISKIP_OWNERS\fR] .br Import members in a local list from a remote mailman3 REST API instance. .TP \-\-url \fIURL\fR REST HTTP endpoint e.g. http://localhost:9001/3.0/. .TP \-\-username \fIUSERNAME\fR REST HTTP Basic Authentication username. .TP \-\-password \fIPASSWORD\fR REST HTTP Basic Authentication password. .TP \-\-list\-id \fILIST_ID\fR List ID of remote list to query. .TP \-\-dry\-run Show what would be inserted without performing any changes. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-skip\-owners Don\*(Aqt import list owners. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot create-list .\fR .br .br mpot create\-list \-\-name \fINAME\fR \-\-id \fIID\fR \-\-address \fIADDRESS\fR [\-\-description \fIDESCRIPTION\fR] [\-\-archive\-url \fIARCHIVE_URL\fR] .br Create new list. .TP \-\-name \fINAME\fR List name. .TP \-\-id \fIID\fR List ID. .TP \-\-address \fIADDRESS\fR List e\-mail address. .TP \-\-description \fIDESCRIPTION\fR List description. .TP \-\-archive\-url \fIARCHIVE_URL\fR List archive URL. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot post .\fR .br .br mpot post [\-\-dry\-run \fIDRY_RUN\fR] .br Post message from STDIN to list. .TP \-\-dry\-run Show e\-mail processing result without actually consuming it. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot flush-queue .\fR .br .br mpot flush\-queue [\-\-dry\-run \fIDRY_RUN\fR] .br Flush outgoing e\-mail queue. .TP \-\-dry\-run Show e\-mail processing result without actually consuming it. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot queue .\fR .br .br mpot queue \-\-queue \fIQUEUE\fR .br Processed mail is stored in queues. .TP \-\-queue \fIQUEUE\fR .br [\fIpossible values: \fRmaildrop, hold, deferred, corrupt, out, error] .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot queue list .\fR .br .br List. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot queue print .\fR .br .br mpot queue print [\-\-index \fIINDEX\fR] .br Print entry in RFC5322 or JSON format. .TP \-\-index \fIINDEX\fR index of entry. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot queue delete .\fR .br .br mpot queue delete [\-\-index \fIINDEX\fR] .br Delete entry and print it in stdout. .TP \-\-index \fIINDEX\fR index of entry. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot import-maildir .\fR .br .br mpot import\-maildir \-\-maildir\-path \fIMAILDIR_PATH\fR \fILIST_ID\fR .br Import a maildir folder into an existing list. .TP \fILIST_ID\fR List\-ID or primary key value. .TP \-\-maildir\-path \fIMAILDIR_PATH\fR Path to a maildir mailbox. Must contain {cur, tmp, new} folders. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot update-postfix-config .\fR .br .br mpot update\-postfix\-config [\-p \fIMASTER_CF\fR|\-\-master\-cf] {\-u \fIUSER\fR|\-\-user} [\-g \fIGROUP\fR|\-\-group] \-\-binary\-path \fIBINARY_PATH\fR [\-\-process\-limit \fIPROCESS_LIMIT\fR] [\-\-map\-output\-path \fIMAP_OUTPUT_PATH\fR] [\-\-transport\-name \fITRANSPORT_NAME\fR] .br Update postfix maps and master.cf (probably needs root permissions). .TP \-p, \-\-master\-cf \fIMASTER_CF\fR Override location of master.cf file (default: /etc/postfix/master.cf). .TP \-u, \-\-user \fIUSER\fR User that runs mailpot when postfix relays a message. Must not be the `postfix` user. Must have permissions to access the database file and the data directory. .TP \-g, \-\-group \fIGROUP\fR Group that runs mailpot when postfix relays a message. Optional. .TP \-\-binary\-path \fIBINARY_PATH\fR The path to the mailpot binary postfix will execute. .TP \-\-process\-limit \fIPROCESS_LIMIT\fR [default: 1] Limit the number of mailpot instances that can exist at the same time. Default is 1. .TP \-\-map\-output\-path \fIMAP_OUTPUT_PATH\fR The directory in which the map files are saved. Default is `data_path` from [`Configuration`](mailpot::Configuration). .TP \-\-transport\-name \fITRANSPORT_NAME\fR The name of the postfix service name to use. Default is `mailpot`. A postfix service is a daemon managed by the postfix process. Each entry in the `master.cf` configuration file defines a single service. The `master.cf` file is documented in [`master(5)`](https://www.postfix.org/master.5.html): . .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot print-postfix-config .\fR .br .br mpot print\-postfix\-config {\-u \fIUSER\fR|\-\-user} [\-g \fIGROUP\fR|\-\-group] \-\-binary\-path \fIBINARY_PATH\fR [\-\-process\-limit \fIPROCESS_LIMIT\fR] [\-\-map\-output\-path \fIMAP_OUTPUT_PATH\fR] [\-\-transport\-name \fITRANSPORT_NAME\fR] .br Print postfix maps and master.cf entry to STDOUT. .TP \-u, \-\-user \fIUSER\fR User that runs mailpot when postfix relays a message. Must not be the `postfix` user. Must have permissions to access the database file and the data directory. .TP \-g, \-\-group \fIGROUP\fR Group that runs mailpot when postfix relays a message. Optional. .TP \-\-binary\-path \fIBINARY_PATH\fR The path to the mailpot binary postfix will execute. .TP \-\-process\-limit \fIPROCESS_LIMIT\fR [default: 1] Limit the number of mailpot instances that can exist at the same time. Default is 1. .TP \-\-map\-output\-path \fIMAP_OUTPUT_PATH\fR The directory in which the map files are saved. Default is `data_path` from [`Configuration`](mailpot::Configuration). .TP \-\-transport\-name \fITRANSPORT_NAME\fR The name of the postfix service name to use. Default is `mailpot`. A postfix service is a daemon managed by the postfix process. Each entry in the `master.cf` configuration file defines a single service. The `master.cf` file is documented in [`master(5)`](https://www.postfix.org/master.5.html): . .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot accounts .\fR .br .br All Accounts. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot account-info .\fR .br .br mpot account\-info \fIADDRESS\fR .br Account info. .TP \fIADDRESS\fR Account address. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot add-account .\fR .br .br mpot add\-account \-\-address \fIADDRESS\fR \-\-password \fIPASSWORD\fR [\-\-name \fINAME\fR] [\-\-public\-key \fIPUBLIC_KEY\fR] [\-\-enabled \fIENABLED\fR] .br Add account. .TP \-\-address \fIADDRESS\fR E\-mail address. .TP \-\-password \fIPASSWORD\fR SSH public key for authentication. .TP \-\-name \fINAME\fR Name. .TP \-\-public\-key \fIPUBLIC_KEY\fR Public key. .TP \-\-enabled \fIENABLED\fR Is account enabled. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot remove-account .\fR .br .br mpot remove\-account \-\-address \fIADDRESS\fR .br Remove account. .TP \-\-address \fIADDRESS\fR E\-mail address. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot update-account .\fR .br .br mpot update\-account [\-\-password \fIPASSWORD\fR] [\-\-name \fINAME\fR] [\-\-public\-key \fIPUBLIC_KEY\fR] [\-\-enabled \fIENABLED\fR] \fIADDRESS\fR .br Update account info. .TP \fIADDRESS\fR Address to edit. .TP \-\-password \fIPASSWORD\fR Public key for authentication. .TP \-\-name \fINAME\fR Name. .TP \-\-public\-key \fIPUBLIC_KEY\fR Public key. .TP \-\-enabled \fIENABLED\fR Is account enabled. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\fB .SS mpot repair .\fR .br .br mpot repair [\-\-fix \fIFIX\fR] [\-\-all \fIALL\fR] [\-\-datetime\-header\-value \fIDATETIME_HEADER_VALUE\fR] [\-\-remove\-empty\-accounts \fIREMOVE_EMPTY_ACCOUNTS\fR] [\-\-remove\-accepted\-subscription\-requests \fIREMOVE_ACCEPTED_SUBSCRIPTION_REQUESTS\fR] [\-\-warn\-list\-no\-owner \fIWARN_LIST_NO_OWNER\fR] .br Show and fix possible data mistakes or inconsistencies. .TP \-\-fix Fix errors (default: false). .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-all Select all tests (default: false). .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-datetime\-header\-value Post `datetime` column must have the Date: header value, in RFC2822 format. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-remove\-empty\-accounts Remove accounts that have no matching subscriptions. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-remove\-accepted\-subscription\-requests Remove subscription requests that have been accepted. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .TP \-\-warn\-list\-no\-owner Warn if a list has no owners. .br .br .br [\fIpossible values: \fRtrue, false] .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .SH AUTHORS Manos Pitsidianakis