Author: Kevin Schoon []
Hash: 28e6d300b177ed10b3012ca7cb39cb4d427f1f3d
Timestamp: Tue, 13 Jul 2021 19:31:56 +0000 (3 years ago)

+48 -34 +/-2 browse
support newest omd version
1diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
2index f5e53d7..ccd22d6 100644
3--- a/lib/
4+++ b/lib/
5 @@ -58,37 +58,31 @@ tags: []
6 # This is a Note!
7 |}
9- let rec extract_structured_data (accm : Ezjsonm.value list) (doc : Omd.doc) :
10- Ezjsonm.value list =
11- match doc with
12- | [] -> accm
13- | hd :: tl -> (
14- match hd.bl_desc with
15- | Code_block (kind, content) -> (
16- match kind with
17- | "json" ->
18- let accm = accm @ [ Ezjsonm.from_string content ] in
19- extract_structured_data accm tl
20- | "yaml" ->
21- let accm = accm @ [ Ezjsonm.wrap (Yaml.of_string_exn content) ] in
22- extract_structured_data accm tl
23- | _ -> extract_structured_data accm tl)
24- | _ -> extract_structured_data accm tl)
25+ let extract_structured_data content =
26+ let of_codeblock kind content =
27+ match kind with
28+ | "json" -> [ content |> Ezjsonm.from_string ]
29+ | "yaml" -> [ Ezjsonm.wrap (content |> Yaml.of_string_exn) ]
30+ | _ -> []
31+ in
32+ let get_data ~values doc =
33+ match doc with
34+ | Omd.Code_block (_, kind, content) -> of_codeblock kind content @ values
35+ | _ -> values
36+ in
37+ let doc = content |> Omd.of_string in
38+ doc |> List.concat_map ~f:(fun doc -> doc |> get_data ~values:[])
40 let to_json note =
41- let data =
42- note.content |> Omd.of_string |> extract_structured_data []
43- |> Ezjsonm.list (fun value -> value)
44- in
45 Ezjsonm.dict
46 [
47 ("frontmatter", Frontmatter.to_json note.frontmatter);
48 ("content", Ezjsonm.string note.content);
49- ("data", data);
50+ ( "data",
51+ note.content |> extract_structured_data |> Ezjsonm.list (fun a -> a) );
52 ]
54- let to_html note =
55- note.content |> Omd.of_string |> Omd.to_html
56+ let to_html note = note.content |> Omd.of_string |> Omd.to_html
58 let to_string note =
59 let yaml = Yaml.to_string_exn (Frontmatter.to_json note.frontmatter) in
60 @@ -129,12 +123,14 @@ module Tree = struct
62 let note_to_json = to_json
64- let rec to_json tree =
65+ let rec to_json tree =
66 let (Tree (root, others)) = tree in
67- Ezjsonm.dict [
68- ("note", (root |> note_to_json)) ;
69- ("descendants", others |> ~f:to_json |> Ezjsonm.list (fun a -> a))
70- ]
71+ Ezjsonm.dict
72+ [
73+ ("note", root |> note_to_json);
74+ ( "descendants",
75+ others |> ~f:to_json |> Ezjsonm.list (fun a -> a) );
76+ ]
78 let rec resolve_manifest ~path manifest =
79 match manifest |> Manifest.list ~path with
80 diff --git a/test/ b/test/
81index 6d25e88..3a9c76a 100644
82--- a/test/
83+++ b/test/
84 @@ -29,14 +29,10 @@ let adapter () =
85 }
86 in
87 let tree = options |> Note.load ~path:"/" in
88- Alcotest.(check int)
89- "initialized" 1
90- (tree |> Note.Tree.flatten |> List.length);
91+ Alcotest.(check int) "initialized" 1 (tree |> Note.Tree.flatten |> List.length);
92 options |> Note.create ~content:(Some "bar") ~path:"/fuu";
93 let tree = options |> Note.load ~path:"/" in
94- Alcotest.(check int)
95- "note added" 2
96- (tree |> Note.Tree.flatten |> List.length);
97+ Alcotest.(check int) "note added" 2 (tree |> Note.Tree.flatten |> List.length);
98 options |> Note.remove ~path:"/fuu";
99 let tree = options |> Note.load ~path:"/" in
100 Alcotest.(check int)
101 @@ -76,6 +72,26 @@ let suggest_tags () =
102 let result = options |> Note.Completion.suggest_tags ~hint:"a" in
103 Alcotest.(check string) "tag aa" "aa" (List.nth_exn result 0)
105+ let structured_data () =
106+ let note = Note.of_string {|
107+ # Some Data
108+ ```json
109+ {"a": "b"}
110+ ```
111+ |} in
112+ let result =
113+ note |> Note.to_json |> Ezjsonm.wrap |> Ezjsonm.to_string
114+ |> Ezjsonm.from_string
115+ in
116+ let result = Ezjsonm.get_list (fun a -> a) result in
117+ let result = List.nth_exn result 0 in
118+ let result =
119+ Ezjsonm.find result [ "data" ] |> Ezjsonm.get_list (fun a -> a)
120+ in
121+ let result = List.nth_exn result 0 in
122+ let result = Ezjsonm.find result [ "a" ] |> Ezjsonm.get_string in
123+ Alcotest.(check string) "data" "b" result
125 let () =
126 "Note"
127 [
128 @@ -85,4 +101,6 @@ let () =
129 [ Alcotest.test_case "suggest path" `Quick suggest_path ] );
130 ( "tag_suggestion",
131 [ Alcotest.test_case "suggest tags" `Quick suggest_tags ] );
132+ ( "structured",
133+ [ Alcotest.test_case "structured data" `Quick structured_data ] );
134 ]