package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" ) func main() { app := cli.App("flights", " ✈️ Find The Best Possible Flight ✈️ ") app.Command("airports", "list all possible airports", func(cmd *cli.Cmd) { cmd.Action = func() { airports := Airports() for _, airport := range airports.Ordered() { fmt.Println(airport) } } }) app.Command("routes", "list all possible routes", func(cmd *cli.Cmd) { cmd.Action = func() { for _, route := range Routes(Airports()) { fmt.Println(route) } } }) app.Command("furthest", "show the furthest distance you can travel", func(cmd *cli.Cmd) { var ( departureCode = cmd.StringArg("DEPARTURE", "", "starting airport") ) cmd.Action = func() { airports := Airports() start := airports.Airport(*departureCode) end := start for _, other := range airports { if GetDistance(start, other) > GetDistance(start, end) { end = other } } fmt.Println(Itinerary{weight: GetDistance(start, end), stops: []Airport{start, end}}) } }) app.Command("nearby", "show airports nearby", func(cmd *cli.Cmd) { var ( threshold = cmd.IntOpt("t threshold", 500, "distance from starting airport") departureCode = cmd.StringArg("DEPARTURE", "", "starting airport") ) cmd.Action = func() { airports := Airports() start := airports.Airport(*departureCode) for _, end := range NearBy(float64(*threshold), start, airports) { fmt.Println(Itinerary{weight: GetDistance(start, end), stops: []Airport{start, end}}) } } }) app.Command("route", "find the best possible routes", func(cmd *cli.Cmd) { cmd.Spec = "[OPTIONS] DEPARTURE ARRIVAL" var ( //threshold = cmd.IntOpt("threshold", 100, "airport distance threshold") departureCode = cmd.StringArg("DEPARTURE", "", "starting airport") arrivalCode = cmd.StringArg("ARRIVAL", "", "ending airport") ) cmd.Action = func() { airports := Airports() //shortest, weight := Load(airports.Airport(*departureCode), airports.Airport(*arrivalCode), opts) fmt.Println(Find( airports.Airport(*departureCode), airports.Airport(*arrivalCode), Load(airports, Routes(airports), ByDistance()), )) //fmt.Println(shortest, weight) //maybe(NewEncoder(Json, Load(airports, Routes(airports))).Encode(os.Stdout)) /* departures, arrivals := FindRoutes(float64(*threshold), airports, airports[*arrivalCode], airports[*departureCode]) if *asJson { data := [][]Airport{departures, arrivals} maybe(json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout).Encode(data)) } else { fmt.Println("Departures: ") for _, departure := range departures { fmt.Println(departure) } fmt.Println("Arrivals: ") for _, arrival := range arrivals { fmt.Println(arrival) } } */ } }) maybe(app.Run(os.Args)) }